
Strengthening Population and Immigration Policies

Low Birth Rate

  Social trends such as marrying later, not marrying, not having children, and having children later in life have caused the total fertility rate in Taiwan to become lower than 1.3 every year since 2003, except for the Year of the Dragon (2012). In 2023, the total fertility rate was 0.865.
  As the total fertility rate and the number of women of childbearing age have decreased, the number of births also has fallen from 248 thousand in 2002 to 136 thousand in 2023.


  The Executive Yuan approved the amendment to the Measures that Counter Falling Fertility Rate (2018–2024) proposed by 11 central government agencies, including the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health and Welfare.
  In order to increase the fertility rate and practice National Child Care Policy for ages 0-6, current policy priorities include: continuing to expand affordable education, increasing childcare subsidies, further reducing school fees, doubling childrearing allowances, continuing to promote family-friendly employment and workplaces, strengthening children’s health rights and protection, and promoting friendly childbirth related packages and other measures.
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