Island of Resilience: Pandemic Policy Response and Economic Growth Taiwan Economic Miracle 2.0
A Record of Taiwan's Economic Relief and Stimulus Policies During COVID-19
Starting in 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic rapidly swept across the globe. In Taiwan, its impact on the domestic economy was both wide and varied. Drawing on past successful anti-SARS measures, the government prioritized disease control while simultaneously providing economic relief that was later followed by stimulus. This strategy was at the core of early disease prevention guidelines. As the pandemic continued, the government drafted special acts and special budgets to help directly impacted citizens and businesses overcome challenges. These actions resulted in a remarkable economic performance that impressed the world.
This book meticulously documents Taiwan's economic development during the COVID-19 pandemic in four main chapters: The Impact of the Pandemic on the World and Taiwan, The Government's Relief Measures During the Pandemic, The Birth of an 'Economic Miracle 2.0,' and Taiwan's New Economic and Trade Landscape in the Post-pandemic Era. It ends with a chapter titled: Major Milestones of Relief and Stimulus Economic Policies. The objective is to provide a detailed record of the promotion and planning behind Taiwan's relief and stimulus policies, as well as the related economic outcomes.
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