Led by Deputy Minister Shien-Quey Kao, the delegation of the National Development Council was invited to the 8
th Open Government Partnership (OGP) Global Summit held in Tallinn, Estonia, from September 6 to 7, 2023. The members of the delegation, including the Secretary General of Control Yuan Judy Fu-Meei Ju, Member of Executive Yuan Open Government National Action Plan Taskforce., Chi-Ming Peng and Chia-Kai Liu, participated and presented Taiwan’s achievements in open government.
The OGP Global Summit in 2023 focused on the combination of digital governance and open government to revive democracies and resist threats from authoritarian regimes, with six major topics: anti-corruption, digital governance, climate change, open justice, public participation and civic space, and democratic resilience.
Deputy Minister Kao participated in the session “
From One-Off Engagement to System Change: How Do We Embed Public Participation in Government?” discussing with the Spanish government and civic groups how the government can cultivate sufficient talents and technical personnel to normalize the mechanism of policy discussion with public participation. In the session, Deputy Minister Kao shared that the Taiwanese government has used the online platform as a means for public participation in policy discussion, encouraging citizens to initiate and take part in the draft. Through the platform, the government can hear people’s voices and deepen trust between the government and citizens.
The Secretary General of Control Yuan, Judy Fu-Meei Ju, attended another session, sharing the context for promoting disclosure of political finance in Taiwan and the practical approach to verifying the correctness of political donations and detecting false reporting.
The Open Government Partnership is a critical organization that holds the global summit once every two years, inviting the open government community around the world. At the 2019 OGP Global Summit in Canada, Taiwan announced it would initiate the first national action plan for open government to demonstrate the Taiwanese government’s determination. This plan was officially launched in January 2021, becoming an important milestone for Taiwan’s promotion of open government. The National Development Council will continue to work with civic groups and other government agencies and participate in the global open government community to align with international standards.