Release date: September 12, 2022
Released by: NDC and Taiwan EximBank
On September 12, 2022, National Development Council (NDC) convened the first meeting of the Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) Credit Fund Review Committee, which was formed by relevant agencies of the government. The CEE Credit Fund is executed by Taiwan EximBank with the aim of strengthening CEE countries’ industrial connections with Taiwan and exploring potential projects, as well as supporting the industrial development cooperation between Taiwan and CEE countries. The relations between Taiwan and CEE countries will be further strengthened under the CEE Credit Fund.
Taiwan and CEE countries such as Lithuania, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic share the same values on freedom, democracy and human rights. In recent years, relations between Taiwan and Europe have been deepening comprehensively. Bilateral exchanges and cooperation among various fields are booming and continue to grow closer. In order to further strengthen economic and trade ties with Central and Eastern Europe, NDC Minister Kung Ming-hsin (龔明鑫) headed a 66-member delegation on a visit to Slovakia, the Czech Republic, and Lithuania last October. This visit has laid a solid foundation for bilateral cooperation. On January 11, 2022, Minister Kung announced to set up a US$1 billion credit loan fund in a virtual conference with Lithuania’s Economy and Innovation Minister Ausrine Armonaite, with the hope for supporting the industrial development cooperation between Taiwan and CEE countries.
The CEE Credit Fund is executed by Taiwan EximBank. In addition to setting up a representative office in the Czech Republic, Taiwan EximBank are teaming up with Taiwan embassies in CEE countries to explore potential projects and respond to related enquiries. Enterprises from Taiwan and CEE countries which are in line with the purpose of the CEE Credit Fund are welcome to contact Taiwan EximBank and Taiwan embassies in CEE countries for consultation.
Taiwan and CEE countries respectively have their competitive products and industries which can support and complement each other. With interactions between Taiwan and CEE countries flourishing, the potential and mutual benefits is expected to be considerable. We believe that the CEE Credit Fund will serve as a catalyst for industrial cooperation between Taiwan and CEE countries to foster bilateral private sector projects or investments between Taiwan and CEE countries and create mutually beneficial development.
Contact Person:
Director-General of NDC, Connie Chang (Ms.)
Phone: 0910-213-556
Assistant Vice President & Manager of Taiwan EximBank, James Peng (Mr.)
Phone: 02-3322-0585