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Press Release

2021 Presidential Hackathon kicks off! Inviting Hackers making citizens’ wishes come true
2021 Presidential Hackathon starts to call for proposals from May 14 to July 16. Hackers from all over the world are welcomed to incorporate post-epidemic resilient thinking for better solutions, which respond to citizens’ wishes and could be implemented by the government. By working together, a more sustainable future will be achieved!

Due to the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic, countries are aware the importance of “resilience” is higher than “efficiency” regarding to systematic risks of economy, society and environment. Therefore, this year’s Domestic Track theme is “Sustainability 2.0 – Resilient Islands”, focusing on 7 areas: Human Capital, Circular Economy, Energy Transition Decarbonization Acceleration, Food and Farming Sustainable Education Conservation, Smart and Resilient Urban and Rural, Digital Transformation, and Cross-Boundary Integration. Hackers are welcomed to submit proposals, making good use of Taiwan’s digital advantage, and work together to build Taiwan into resilient islands.

The Civic Wishing Pool will close on May 21. As of May 12, SDG 3: Good health and well-being is the most concerned topic among other SDGs. In 2020 during the pandemic spread out, by utilizing open data, Taiwan’s public and private sectors created the “Instant Mask Map (application)”,and demonstrates public-private collaboration.

The theme of International Track this year is “Sustainability 2.0 – Climate Action”. Topics including but not limited to natural disaster preparedness, disaster recovery management, carbon footprint verification, and greenhouse gas emission can put climate mitigation and adaption into practice. This event also provides a platform for hackers across the globe to exchange ideas and improve public welfare.

More information about Domestic Track guidelines, rules and important dates, please visit at http://presidential-hackathon.taiwan.gov.tw/

Contact person:

National Development Council (Domestic Track)
Mr. Cheng-Ming, Wang
Deputy Director, National Development Council
Ms. Chu-Sui, Lin
Section Chief, National Development Council
TEL :02-2316-6802
Small and Medium Enterprise Administration, MOEA (International Track)
Ms. Betty Hu
Deputy Director General, Small and Medium Enterprise Administration, MOEA
TEL : 02-23680816#202
Ms. Shu-Ju Chang
Section Chief, Small and Medium Enterprise Administration, MOEA
TEL : 02-23662261

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