To step up the promotion of open government data, the Executive Yuan (EY) convened its first meeting of the EY Guidelines for Establishing Open Government Data Advisory committee on June 1, which was presided over by Chang San-cheng, Vice Premier and Chief Information Officer, and also attended by representatives from the private sector including Chiu Yueh-hsiang, Kao Chia-liang, Chang Wei-chih, Ti Pen-chiao, as well as representatives from various government agencies such as Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Transport and Communications, Environmental Protection Administration, Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics and Central Election Commission. The meeting also resolved to instruct government agencies to conduct further review and data value assessment with a view to reinventing the government and quickening the pace of Open Data movement.
During the meeting, the government’s plan for Open Data development was introduced by the National Development Council and the Board of Science and Technology presented, with a mission to establish a reliable open environment and develop an international paradigm for cross-disciplinary cooperation of social groups” More key data such as fiscal budgets and government statistics will be opened up to help fulfil the mission. The government has made it a target to release at least 30,000 data sets before 2020. At the same time, the plan is expected to help advance Taiwan’s position in the Open Data Index to rank among the top ten of the world.
In addition, central government agencies will also establish open data advisory committee in accordance with the "Guidelines for Establishing Open Government Data Advisory committee " promulgated in April 2015,where people with different fields from the private sector to be invited to attend the meeting. Meanwhile, the government Chief Information Officer will be responsible for promoting cross-organization affairs and optimizing resource allocation. Through the public participation in decision-making model, we can position different data values, ensure the quality of the open data decision in various government agencies, and reach a preliminary consensus and solution to strike a balance between privacy protection and open application, so that the best open data results can be achieved through limited resources. Moreover, decision-making processes of these issues will also be opened to the public for the building of a transparent, open atmosphere.