

Press Release

Official beginning to achieve Taiwan’s First Open Government National Action Plan
The first meeting of Executive Yuan Open Government National Action Plan Taskforce was convened on October 28, 2020, which was co-chaired by Executive Yuan Minister without Portfolio Audrey Tang and National Development Council Minister Kung Ming-hsin. On the occasion, WeatherRisk Explore Inc. General Manager Chi-Ming Peng, was recommended as the co-convener represent the civil society of the Taskforce.

The meeting confirmed Taiwan’s First Open Government National Action Plan will include 19 commitments in five areas. The areas include promoting open data and information transparency, expanding public participation in the public policy, increasing gender and ethnic groups inclusive dialogue mechanisms, implementing integrity policy and executing anti-money laundering. The commitments, which proposed by the government, civil society organizations and Taskforce members, include providing a legal basis for government data opening and use, strengthening digital privacy protection, promoting youth participation in policy, electronic referendum petition, facilitating the formation of labor unions, enhancing political donation transparency, etc.

The Action Plan is scheduled to run from January 2021 to May 2024. In collaboration with multi-stakeholders, the specific content and indicators of each commitment will be formulated, and the final version will be discussed in the second Taskforce meeting by the end of the year, then report to the Executive Yuan.

Open Government Partnership (OGP) is an international organization that actively promotes open government reforms with the participation of 78 countries and 20 local governments. At the OGP summit in Canada in May 2019, Taiwan announced it would launch an open government national action plan on its own initiative, to highlight the government’s determination to enhance international participation.

To formulate the action plan, the Executive Yuan has formed the Taskforce in August 2020 based on the principle of public-private partnership, with half of the members from civil society organizations, experts and other stakeholders, and the others are deputy ministers of the government agencies in charge of each commitment. Also the members from civil society were Geng Lu, Lin Yi-ying, Wu Ming-chuan, Huang Chang-ling, Hong Jian Ting-hui, Chiu Hsin-wei, Wang Chuan-ru, Hsiao Hsin-sheng, Yan Wan-ling, Du Wen-ling and Lin Tzu-lun.

Contact person: Director, Chang Fu-Lin
Department of Social Development, NDC
Office TEL:(886-2)2316-5300 #6243

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