



國家發展委員會、教育部及澳洲辦事處 共同召開首屆臺澳英語學習對話
發布單位:綜規處發布日期:111-03-04 11:42


會議由我方及澳方進行專題演講,國家發展委員會張惠娟處長說明「2030雙語政策」,教育部李彥儀司長則就「臺灣推動雙語教育之政策」進行說明;澳方則由「澳洲英語協會」執行長布雷特‧布萊克爾(Brett Blacker)就澳洲培養英語學習能力概述進行演講,再由澳洲教育、技能及就業部Simon Moore國際政策常務助理部長就澳洲英語學習政策框架進行介紹,澳洲辦事處副代表暨商務處處長莫博仁先生則說明澳洲英語學習產業概況。

雙方高等教育機構也踴躍分享台澳英語學習的合作經驗。澳洲阿得雷德大學英語中心國際事務副主任Simon Futo先生、博士山學院Kien Chai經理,國立臺灣師範大學文學院陳秋蘭院長及國立臺北護理健康大學吳淑芳校長應邀分享在英語師資培訓、雙聯學程方面的合作案例。





國家發展委員會龔明鑫主委、教育部潘文忠部長與澳洲代理教育部長兼就業、勞動力、技能、小型及家庭企業部長史萊特•羅伯特(Hon. Stuart Robert MP)以預錄影片方式致詞,為「臺澳英語學習對話」揭開序幕,並邀請「澳洲英語協會」執行長布雷特•布萊克爾(Brett Blacker)擔任專題演講者。





On 3 March 2022 the Australian Office, the National Development Council and the Ministry of Education hosted the Australia-Taiwan Dialogue on English Language Learning, further deepening the strong education, vocational training and youth links between Australia and Taiwan. 

The inaugural Dialogue launched a new English language learning partnership, which will advance education cooperation, promote a range of English language learning initiatives, and connect Australia’s world-leading English language service providers with Taiwanese institutions delivering Taiwan’s Bilingual 2030 policy. Work is already underway towards an Action Plan to support the new partnership.

The partnership will assist to deepen links between Australian providers and Taiwanese institutions, helping to promote Taiwan’s bilingual policy and enhance English language learning. Areas of cooperation will include bilingual teacher training, provision of English language courses, and other support for the ongoing development of Taiwan’s English language learning capabilities. Other objectives of the partnership may also include sister school relationships, joint degree programs, vocational training, and the promotion of student, teacher and academic and professional exchanges.

The Dialogue opened with pre-recorded remarks from Australia’s Acting Minister for Education and Youth and Minister for Employment, Workforce, Skills, Small and Family Business, the Hon Stuart Robert MP, and Taiwan’s Minister of the National Development Council, Ming-Hsin Kung, and Minister of Education, Wen-Chung Pan.  The CEO of English Australia, Mr Brett Blacker, was keynote speaker.

During the event, both sides shared lessons in English language learning, explored means of facilitating closer engagement and opportunities to strengthen links, and discussed the promotion of study opportunities, skills development and vocational education and training (VET). They also explored opportunities to strengthen links in Mandarin language learning in Australia.

Australia and Taiwan are longstanding education partners.  Over 18,000 Taiwanese students were enrolled in Australian educational institutions immediately pre-COVID, after more than five years of continuous growth. Over 250,000 visas have been issued to young Taiwanese under Australia’s Working Holiday Maker Scheme, and over 1,000 Australian students have studied in Taiwan under the Australian Government’s New Colombo Plan, gaining skills and building life-long friendships and understanding.

Several Taiwanese institutions have already aligned with Australian VET curricula and these links continue to strengthen, with discussion underway about further promotion of Australian vocational training in Taiwan. Australia and Taiwan are also expanding English language learning and teacher training cooperation, including through interactive, innovative online programs, and promoting the circulation of talent and professional skills between the two economies.

As Taiwan works to promote its ambitious Bilingual 2030 goals, Australia is a natural partner in many respects.  Australia’s world-leading English language education providers have a long record of high-quality English language education for people from a wide variety of backgrounds.  Both sides will continue to work together to take forward significant opportunities to deepen cooperation under this partnership, including through the proposed Action Plan.


  • 相關檔案
    1. 台澳英語學習對話聯合聲明
    2. ELLD Joint Statement
    3. 國發會1110304新聞稿--台澳英語學習對話
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