臺美雙方代表亦針對共同關切之其他議題交換意見,包含「網路治理論壇」(IGF)、「世界無線電通訊大會」(WRC),以及「世界資訊社會高峰會10年檢討」(WSIS+10)等國際論壇發展現況。臺美雙方咸認為透過考量多方利害關係者模式之網路治理,可維持一個開放、可協同操作、安全且可信賴的網路世界。同時,臺美雙方也透過相關倡議,如:美國主導的「全球聯結計畫」(Global Connect Program)、APEC等長期密切合作之區域論壇,以及新的對話機制,如:全球合作暨訓練架構(GCTF)等,來擴展在全球網路連結與縮短數位落差等工作之進一步合作的機會。
臺美雙方代表對於可促進創新與全球商務之數位貿易與投資政策均表強力支持,包含:跨境資料匯流便捷化、預防資料落地性障礙與強制性資料移轉,以及鼓勵採用及利用最佳可得技術。臺美雙方強調AIT- TECRO台美貿易暨投資架構協定(TIFA)對討論及解決雙邊貿易議題之重要性,並將致力於持續推動揭櫫於TIFA架構以及2013年AIT-TECRO針對ICT服務之貿易原則所發表共同聲明中之與ICT服務貿易相關之原則。臺美雙方代表亦支持以起草中之服務貿易協定(TiSA)納入數位貿易自由化強制性規範,作為達成上述目標之手段。臺美雙方代表更強調在WTO架構下共同合作,以透過擴大資訊科技協定(ITA)來消除關稅並擴展全球ICT商品貿易之重要性。
AIT代表團由國務院國務卿科技顧問沃恩‧特瑞肯博士(Vaughan Turekian)率領國務院、商務部及聯邦通訊委員會官員代表共同參與。
The American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States (TECRO) Joint Statement on the Conclusion of the Digital Economy Forum
December 2, 2015
Senior representatives from the United States and Taiwan authorities, under the auspices of the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) and Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States (TECRO), held the Digital Economy Forum in Taipei on December 2, 2015, recognizing the importance of the Internet to promoting future sustainable and inclusive global economic growth, and reinforcing the strong and mutually beneficial ties between the two economies in the area of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) innovation and commercialization.
In this dialogue, the two sides held open discussions with each other and private sector representatives on important shared ICT priorities, such as: creating legal and regulatory frameworks to support digital development; enabling digital trade and cross-border digital payment systems; enhancing cooperation to expand Asia Pacific regional and global ICT connectivity; strengthening and diversifying global high-technology supply chains; preserving and protecting data privacy; and ensuring online intellectual property rights protection.
The representatives exchanged views on other issues of mutual concern including developments in international fora such as the Internet Governance Forum, the World Radiocommunications Conference, and the World Summit on the Information Society Ten-Year Review. The two sides endorsed the importance of the multistakeholder model of Internet governance to maintaining an open, interoperable, secure, and reliable Internet. The two sides also explored opportunities for further cooperation in expanding Internet connectivity around the world and bridging the “digital divide” through initiatives such as the U.S.-led Global Connect program, in longstanding and close cooperation in regional fora such as APEC, as well as in new mechanisms such as the Global Cooperation and Training Framework.
The representatives expressed strong support for digital trade and investment policies that promote innovation and global commerce, including policies that facilitate the free flow of information across borders, prevent data localization barriers and forced technology transfers, and encourage adoption and deployment of the best available technologies. The two sides noted the importance of the AIT-TECRO Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA) in discussing and resolving bilateral trade issues, and commit to continue promoting trade related principles for the ICT services sector developed under the TIFA and enshrined in the 2013 AIT-TECRO Joint Statement on Trade Principles for ICT Services. The representatives expressed support for the inclusion of binding rules to liberalize digital trade in the proposed Trade in Services Agreement as a means to achieve these goals. The representatives also noted the importance of cooperation in the World Trade Organization to eliminate tariffs through the expansion of the Information Technology Agreement and expand global trade in ICT goods.
The TECRO delegation was led by Minister Woody Duh from the National Development Council, and included participation by Minister without Portfolio Jaclyn Tsai and representatives from the Executive Yuan, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Justice, National Communications Commission, Financial Supervisory Commission, and Central Bank.
The AIT delegation was led by Dr. Vaughan Turekian, Science and Technology Advisor to the Secretary of State, with participation by officials representing the Department of State, Department of Commerce, and the Federal Communications Commission.