- 在與信賴合作夥伴共同開展先進研發,並在理解半導體產業涉及影響一國經濟及國家安全的基礎上,加深半導體產業的整合。
- 支持安全且受信賴5G硬體、軟體及標準的佈署,以維護「布拉格提案」體現之民主與開放市場等共同價值;強調透明與開放的5G架構之價值,並在支持多元化的5G供應鏈方面,更緊密地合作。
- 確認網路安全是數位經濟發展的先決條件,以加強科技產業及其支援之基礎設施的網路安全。此外,透過美國官方「數位連結及網路安全夥伴關係(DCCP)」、臺美「全球合作暨訓練架構(GCTF)」及其他機制,積極與第三國合作辦理數位經濟及網路安全之能力建構。
- 促進資料透明、大數據商業模型、開放治理等領域最佳實務的應用,即使可能會衝擊傳統行業,也應採用輕度監管方式,為創新提供發展空間。
- 為AIT-TECRO在數位經濟方面可能達成的協議,尋求法律、管制及行政上的基礎,以符合美墨加協定(USMCA)所設立之標準,並探索建立更高標準的可能性,同時確認參與 APEC 跨境隱私保護規則體系(CBPRs)。
- 推動臺美在人工智慧、物聯網及先進機械等產業更緊密整合,同時,在彼此領土之間採取適當控制措施以防止敏感科技的洩漏。
- 為臺灣邁向創新經濟,透過臺美新創生態系與志同道合之經濟體整合、促進女性創業精神、鼓勵社會和技術創新,以促進在彼此領土內的永續及民主發展。
- 促進臺、美和其他志同道合國家間之人才流動、培育及連結。
- 提升網路治理體系的包容、開放及透明,並積極支持多方利益關係人參與。
- 運用一切必要措施,保護包括商業秘密在內的智慧財產權,及加強執行網路防禦之相關法律。
雙方歡迎「第三次美臺中小企業工作計劃(U.S.-Taiwan SME Work Plan)」倡議,咸認該倡議對促進技術與社會創新至關重要,特別是關於婦女賦權及社會企業家精神。
雙方為促使上述共同政策重點及倡議,能不斷取得進展,預期將成立「臺美數位經濟工作小組(U.S.-Taiwan Digital Economy Working Group)」,並傾向規劃每年至少開會一次,以檢核工作進度並訂定來年工作計畫。因雙方同意臺美數位經濟關係的完整範疇,對經濟及國家安全均具影響,工作小組預計將由美國在台協會副處長及臺灣國家發展委員會副主委共同主持。
AIT代表團包括美國商務部助理部長Ian Steff,其他成員包括國務院、商務部、聯邦通訊委員會、國際開發署及AIT等。TECRO代表團由國家發展委員會陳主任委員美伶率領國發會、行政院科技會報辦公室、行政院資安處、國家通訊傳播委員會、經濟部、科技部及TECRO代表參加。美國及臺灣業界代表亦參加論壇。
December 11, 2019
The American Institute in Taiwan and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office Joint Statement on the 3rd U.S.-Taiwan Digital Economy Forum
The following is the text of a joint press statement issued at the conclusion of the 3rd Digital Economy Forum.
On December 10-11, 2019, senior representatives from the United States and the Taiwan authorities, under the auspices of the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) and Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States (TECRO), held the third Digital Economy Forum in Taipei to identify shared strategic priorities of the U.S.-Taiwan economic relationship in the digital age.
During the Forum, the two sides held discussions on working together to advance the deployment of secure and trusted 5G networks and standards, cooperate on digital connectivity and cybersecurity programming in third countries, foster an open data economy, facilitate cross-border data flows and privacy, exchange policy approaches for the responsible use of artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things, and to affirm a shared commit to pursuing innovation for social good.
AIT and TECRO, on behalf of their respective authorities, affirm support for the following ten policy priorities:
• To deepen semiconductor industry integration based on trusted partners, joint advanced research and development, and an understanding of the economic and national security implications of the semiconductor industry.
• To support the deployment of secure and trusted 5G hardware, services and standards that uphold shared democratic and open-market values as embodied in the Prague Proposals. To highlight the value of a transparent and open 5G architecture and to more closely cooperate on supporting diverse 5G supply chains.
• To strengthen cybersecurity of the technology industry and its supporting infrastructure, recognizing that cybersecurity is a prerequisite for the development of the digital economy. Additionally, to engage in capacity building on the digital economy and cybersecurity in and with third countries, such as through the U.S. government’s Digital Connectivity and Cybersecurity Partnership (DCCP), the U.S.-Taiwan Global Cooperation and Training Framework and other mechanisms.
• To promote application of best practices on data transparency, big data business models, and open governance. To adopt a “light touch” regulatory approach to create the space for new innovations to emerge, even if doing so might disrupt traditional industries.
• To explore the legal, regulatory and administrative basis for a possible AIT-TECRO instrument on the digital economy that meets the standards set forth in the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) and explores the possibility of establishing even higher standards, while reaffirming participation in the APEC Cross Border Privacy Rules (CBPR) system.
• To pursue closer integration of the U.S. and Taiwan artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, and advanced machinery industries, while putting in place appropriate controls to prevent leakage of sensitive technologies between our respective territories.
• To spur Taiwan’s transition to an innovation-based economy, in particular through integrating the U.S. and Taiwan startup ecosystems with those of like-minded economies, promoting women’s entrepreneurship, and encouraging social and technological innovation for sustainable and democratic development in our respective territories.
• To facilitate the circulation, cultivation, and connection of talent between Taiwan, the United States, and other like-minded partners.
• To promote an inclusive, open, and transparent system of Internet governance and active support for the multi-stakeholder approach; and
• To apply all necessary measures to protect intellectual property, including trade secrets, including strengthening cyber defenses and enforcement of relevant laws.
The participants also reaffirmed the AIT-TECRO Trade and Investment Framework Agreement as the key forum for U.S. and Taiwan authorities to resolve trade issues, including those related to digital trade.
The two sides welcomed the initiatives outlined in the 3rd U.S.-Taiwan SME Work Plan as vital for promoting technological and social innovation for good, in particular with respect to women’s empowerment and social entrepreneurship.
AIT and TECRO are pleased to announce Global Cooperation and Training Framework (GCTF) workshops related to digital economy to be held in 2020 promoting circular economy and Internet freedom; and they look forward to future GCTF workshops that advance our shared vision for an open, interoperable, reliable, and secure Internet.
AIT and TECRO look forward to working together with like-minded partners on the deployment of secure and trusted 5G networks consistent with the principles outlined in the Prague Proposals, engaging in capacity building through third-country training workshops, and organizing cyber exercises that bring together partners with shared cyber priorities.
The participants applauded the recently launched Talent Circulation Alliance, and encouraged all like-minded partners to actively facilitate the circulation of digital economy and technology-related talent as an answer to brain drain and to ensure that Taiwan’s future remains firmly anchored in the free and open Indo-Pacific through enhanced people-to-people exchange among the region’s top talent.
To facilitate continual progress towards realizing the two sides’ shared policy priorities and initiatives listed above, a U.S.-Taiwan Digital Economy Working Group is expected to be established. The Working Group intends to meet at least once a year to take stock of progress made and to establish a Work Plan for the following year. Recognizing the full spectrum of the U.S.-Taiwan digital economy relationship has both economic and national security implications, the Working Group is expected to be co-chaired by the AIT Deputy Director and the Deputy Minister of the National Development Council.
The AIT delegation included Assistant Secretary of Commerce Ian Steff. Participation included officials representing the Department of State, Department of Commerce, the Federal Communications Commission, the U.S. Agency for International Development, and AIT. The TECRO delegation was led by National Development Council (NDC) Minister Chen Mei-ling, and included representatives from NDC, the Board of Science and Technology of the Executive Yuan, the Department of Cybersecurity of the Executive Yuan, the National Communications Commission, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Ministry of Science and Technology, and TECRO. U.S. and Taiwan industry representatives also participated in the forum.
This Press Release is also available on the AIT and the NDC websites at: https://www.ait.org.tw/zhtw/