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National Development Council
About NDC
Policy Guidelines set out by Premier Cho
Minister and Deputy Minister
Chronicle of Events
Press Release
NDC Social Media
National Talent Competitiveness Jumpstart Program
Trillion NT Dollar Investment National Development Plan
2050 Net-Zero Emissions
Act for the Recruitment and Employment of Foreign Professionals
The Asia Silicon Valley Development Plan
Promoting the Regional Revitalization Policy
Forward-looking Infrastructure Development Program
Action Plan for Enhancing Taiwan’s Startup Ecosystem
National Development Plan (2025-2028)
Bilingual 2030
Open Government National Action Plan
Healthy Real Estate Market Plan
Political Archives Act
Deregulation launched to eliminate investment obstacles
Deliberation, Early Warning, and Withdraw Mechanism of the Public Construction Projects
Main Operations
National Development Planning
Economic Development Planning
Social development
Promoting the Development of Industry
Human Resources Development
National Spatial Planning and Development
Performance Management
Regulatory Reform
National Development Fund
National Archives Administration
Revitalization of Chung Hsing New Village
Taiwan Economic Forum
Economic Situations
Island of Resilience: Pandemic Policy Response and Economic Growth Taiwan Economic Miracle 2.0
About NDC
Policy Guidelines set out by Premier Cho
Minister and Deputy Minister
Chronicle of Events
Press Release
Department of Overall Planning
Department of Economic Development
Department of Social Development
Department of Industrial Development
Department of Human Resources Development
more Introduction
NDC Social Media
National Talent Competitiveness Jumpstart Program
Trillion NT Dollar Investment National Development Plan
2050 Net-Zero Emissions
Act for the Recruitment and Employment of Foreign Professionals
The Asia Silicon Valley Development Plan
Promoting the Regional Revitalization Policy
Forward-looking Infrastructure Development Program
Action Plan for Enhancing Taiwan’s Startup Ecosystem
National Development Plan (2025-2028)
Bilingual 2030
Open Government National Action Plan
Healthy Real Estate Market Plan
Political Archives Act
Deregulation launched to eliminate investment obstacles
Deliberation, Early Warning, and Withdraw Mechanism of the Public Construction Projects
Main Operations
National Development Planning
Plans for National Development
Bilingual 2030
International Cooperation and Exchange
Economic Development Planning
Economic Situation
Taiwan Business Cycle Indicators
Social development
Government Services Transformation Program
Deliberation and Coordination of Major Social Development Projects
Open Government National Action Plan
Promoting the Development of Industry
Program for Promoting Six Core Strategic Industries
The Asia Silicon Valley Development Plan
Action Plan for Enhancing Taiwan’s Startup Ecosystem
Human Resources Development
Population Projections for the R.O.C. (Taiwan): 2024~2070
Act for the Recruitment and Employment of Foreign Professionals
Industry's Talent Shortages: The Current Situation and Policy Response
National Talent Competitiveness Jumpstart Program(2024-2027)
more Human Resources Development
National Spatial Planning and Development
Promoting the Regional Revitalization Policy
Forward-looking Infrastructure Development Program
Strategic Plan for National Spatial Development
Review and Coordination of Major Public Constructions
Performance Management
Projects Management
Policy Follow-Up
Performance evaluation
Streamlining the Supervision and Evaluation Operations of Government
Regulatory Reform
Startup Regulatory Adjustment Platform
Deregulation Launched to Eliminate Investment Obstacles
Ease of Doing Business Reforms (EoDB)
National Development Fund
Business Angel Investment Program
Industrial Innovation and Transformation Fund
National Investment Company
National Archives Administration
Revitalization of Chung Hsing New Village
Taiwan Economic Forum
Economic Situations
Island of Resilience: Pandemic Policy Response and Economic Growth Taiwan Economic Miracle 2.0
Asia Silicon Valley
Indicators DataBase
Taiwan population
Statistical data book
Data taiwan
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About NDC
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1 About NDC
1-1 Policy Guidelines set out by Premier Cho
1-2 Minister and Deputy Minister
1-3 Organization
1-4 Chronicle of Events
1-5 Press Release
1-6 Introduction
1-6-1 Department of Overall Planning
1-6-2 Department of Economic Development
1-6-3 Department of Social Development
1-6-4 Department of Industrial Development
1-6-5 Department of Human Resources Development
1-6-6 Department of National Spatial Planning and Development
1-6-7 Department of Supervision and Evaluation
1-6-8 Department of Regulatory Reform
1-7 NDC Social Media
2 Policies
2-1 Overview
2-2 National Talent Competitiveness Jumpstart Program
2-3 Trillion NT Dollar Investment National Development Plan
2-4 2050 Net-Zero Emissions
2-5 Act for the Recruitment and Employment of Foreign Professionals
2-6 The Asia Silicon Valley Development Plan
2-7 Promoting the Regional Revitalization Policy
2-8 Forward-looking Infrastructure Development Program
2-9 Action Plan for Enhancing Taiwan’s Startup Ecosystem
2-10 National Development Plan (2025-2028)
2-11 Bilingual 2030
2-12 Open Government National Action Plan
2-13 Healthy Real Estate Market Plan
2-14 Political Archives Act
2-15 Deregulation launched to eliminate investment obstacles
2-16 Deliberation, Early Warning, and Withdraw Mechanism of the Public Construction Projects
3 Main Operations
3-1 National Development Planning
3-1-1 Plans for National Development
3-1-1-1 Mid-term Plan
3-1-1-1-1 National Development Plan (2025-2028)
3-1-1-1-2 National Development Plan (2021-2024)
3-1-1-1-3 Four-Year National Development Plan (2017-2020) and Plan for National Development in 2017
3-1-1-1-4 More...
3-1-1-1-4-1 Four-Year National Development Plan (2013-2016) and Plan for National Development in 2013
3-1-1-1-4-2 Third-Term Plan for National Development in the new century
3-1-1-2 Annual Plan
3-1-1-2-1 The 2019 National Development plan
3-1-1-2-2 More...
3-1-1-2-2-1 The 2018 National Development Plan
3-1-1-2-2-2 Four-Year National Development Plan (2017-2020) and Plan for National Development in 2017
3-1-1-2-2-3 Taiwan's Macroeconomic Goals for 2016
3-1-1-2-2-4 2015 National Development Plan(Briefing)
3-1-1-2-2-4-1 Implementation Review of the 2015 National Development Plan
3-1-1-2-2-5 2014 National Development Plan(Briefing)
3-1-1-2-2-5-1 Implementation Review of the 2014 National Development Plan
3-1-1-2-2-6 Four-Year National Development Plan (2013-2016) and Plan for National Development in 2013
3-1-1-2-2-6-1 Implementation Review of the 2013 National Development Plan
3-1-1-2-2-7 ROC Plan for National Development in 2012(Briefing)
3-1-1-2-2-7-1 Implementation Review on the ROC Plan for National Development in 2012(Briefing)
3-1-2 Bilingual 2030
3-1-3 International Cooperation and Exchange
3-1-3-1 Taiwan-US Digital Economy Forum, DEF
3-2 Economic Development Planning
3-2-1 Economic Situation
3-2-1-1 Taiwan's Economic Situation Summary - Monthly
3-2-1-2 Taiwan's Economic Situation and Outlook - Quarterly
3-2-2 Taiwan Business Cycle Indicators
3-2-2-1 Business Cycle Indicators and Monitoring Indicators
3-2-2-1-1 Press Release
3-2-2-1-2 Business Indicators Database
3-2-2-1-3 Business Cycle Expansions and Contractions
3-2-2-1-3-1 Business Cycle Q&A
3-2-2-1-3-1-1 What is the significance of a business cycle?
3-2-2-1-3-1-2 How is the reference date of business cycle determined?
3-2-2-1-3-1-3 How is the reference series compiled? How can the series be used to determine the reference date?
3-2-2-1-3-1-4 Why is not the reference date of business cycle determined through single GDP series?
3-2-2-1-4 Business Cycle Indicators and Monitoring Indicators Q&A
3-2-2-1-4-1 What is the significance and function of business cycle indicators and monitoring indicators?
3-2-2-1-4-2 What are the revision processes of previous business cycle indicators and monitoring indicators?
3-2-2-1-4-3 What are methods for compiling business cycle indicators? How does composite index differ from trend-adjusted index?
3-2-2-1-4-4 Why is the composite index of business cycle indicators not provided by press releases on Taiwan Business Indicators?
3-2-2-1-4-5 How is the direction of changes in components of business cycle indicators determined?
3-2-2-1-4-6 Why business cycle indictors released monthly traces and revises history data?
3-2-2-1-4-7 Which year is the base period of business cycle indicators?
3-2-2-1-4-8 What are the advantages of monitoring indicators? What is the limit on the interpretation?
3-2-2-1-4-9 Why is it that among the monitoring lights, the TIER manufacturing sector composite indicator do not adopt annual growth rates in the calculation?
3-2-2-2 Purchasing Managers' Index
3-2-2-2-1 Taiwan PMI and NMI Reports
3-2-2-2-2 Taiwan Purchasing Managers' Index, PMI Q&A
3-2-2-2-2-1 What is Taiwan Purchasing Managers' Index, PMI?
3-2-2-2-2-2 What industries are covered by the purchasing managers' survey? What is the index compilation method?
3-2-2-2-2-3 What is the relationship between manufacturing PMI and business cycles?
3-2-2-2-2-4 What is the difference between Non-Manufacturing Index, NMI and Service PMI?
3-2-2-2-2-5 What are the economic implications of the five indexes that make up Taiwan Purchasing Managers' Index?
3-2-2-2-2-6 What are the economic implications of the four indexes that make up Non-Manufacturing Index, NMI?
3-2-2-2-2-7 According to PMI survey results, employment index and new orders index or production index sometimes differ in the direction of change, how should it be interpreted?
3-2-2-2-2-8 In the PMI and NMI survey, what is the implication of inventories index?
3-2-2-2-2-9 Why are retail trade and wholesale trade compiled separately when compiling the NMI of industry categories instead of combing them under the same industry?
3-2-2-2-2-10 When the Taiwan PMI and NMI are released every month?
3-2-3 Policies
3-2-3-1 2050 Net-Zero Emissions
3-2-3-1-1 Taiwan’s Pathway to Net-Zero Emissions in 2050
3-2-3-1-2 12 Key Strategies
3-2-3-2 Trillion NT Dollar Investment National Development Plan
3-2-3-3 Healthy Real Estate Market Plan
3-2-3-4 Action Plan for Welcoming Overseas Taiwanese Businesses to Return to Invest in Taiwan
3-2-3-5 Strategy for Stimulating Domestic Demand amid Expected Shifts in The Overall Economy in 2019
3-2-3-6 Price Stabilization Measures
3-2-3-7 Inter-ministerial Meetings on Boosting Investment in Taiwan (the name changed to Inter-ministerial Meetings on Promoting Economic Development from May 2019)
3-3 Social development
3-3-1 Government Services Transformation Program
3-3-2 Deliberation and Coordination of Major Social Development Projects
3-3-3 Open Government National Action Plan
3-4 Promoting the Development of Industry
3-4-1 Program for Promoting Six Core Strategic Industries
3-4-2 The Asia Silicon Valley Development Plan
3-4-2-1 Origin and Pillars
3-4-2-2 Strategies and Goals
3-4-2-3 The Asia Silicon Valley Development Agency (ASVDA)
3-4-3 Action Plan for Enhancing Taiwan’s Startup Ecosystem
3-4-3-1 Taiwan National Startup Brand - Startup Island TAIWAN
3-5 Human Resources Development
3-5-1 Population Projections for the R.O.C. (Taiwan): 2024~2070
3-5-2 Act for the Recruitment and Employment of Foreign Professionals
3-5-3 Industry's Talent Shortages: The Current Situation and Policy Response
3-5-4 National Talent Competitiveness Jumpstart Program(2024-2027)
3-5-5 Key Talent Cultivation and Recruitment Program (2021-2024)
3-6 National Spatial Planning and Development
3-6-1 Promoting the Regional Revitalization Policy
3-6-2 Forward-looking Infrastructure Development Program
3-6-3 Strategic Plan for National Spatial Development
3-6-4 Review and Coordination of Major Public Constructions
3-7 Performance Management
3-7-1 Projects Management
3-7-1-1 Overview
3-7-1-2 Deliberation, Early Warning, and Withdrawal Mechanism of the Public Construction Projects
3-7-1-3 Public Construction Project Lifecycle Performance Management System
3-7-2 Policy Follow-Up
3-7-3 Performance evaluation
3-7-3-1 Administrative Agencies’ Performance Assessment
3-7-3-2 State-owned Enterprises Evaluation
3-7-3-2-1 List of State-owned Enterprises
3-7-4 Streamlining the Supervision and Evaluation Operations of Government
3-8 Regulatory Reform
3-8-1 Startup Regulatory Adjustment Platform
3-8-2 Deregulation Launched to Eliminate Investment Obstacles
3-8-3 Ease of Doing Business Reforms (EoDB)
3-9 National Development Fund
3-9-1 Business Angel Investment Program
3-9-2 Industrial Innovation and Transformation Fund
3-9-3 National Investment Company
3-10 National Archives Administration
3-11 Revitalization of Chung Hsing New Village
4 Publications
4-1 Taiwan Economic Forum
4-2 Economic Situations
4-3 Island of Resilience: Pandemic Policy Response and Economic Growth Taiwan Economic Miracle 2.0
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About NDC
Policy Guidelines set out by Premier Cho
Minister and Deputy Minister
Chronicle of Events
Press Release
NDC Social Media
National Talent Competitiveness Jumpstart Program
Trillion NT Dollar Investment National Development Plan
2050 Net-Zero Emissions
Act for the Recruitment and Employment of Foreign Professionals
The Asia Silicon Valley Development Plan
Promoting the Regional Revitalization Policy
Forward-looking Infrastructure Development Program
Action Plan for Enhancing Taiwan’s Startup Ecosystem
National Development Plan (2025-2028)
Bilingual 2030
Open Government National Action Plan
more Policies
Main Operations
National Development Planning
Economic Development Planning
Social development
Promoting the Development of Industry
Human Resources Development
National Spatial Planning and Development
Performance Management
Regulatory Reform
National Development Fund
National Archives Administration
Revitalization of Chung Hsing New Village
Taiwan Economic Forum
Economic Situations
Island of Resilience: Pandemic Policy Response and Economic Growth Taiwan Economic Miracle 2.0