



📌國發會龔主委昨(9)日接見由英國國際貿易部副部長Greg Hands率領之訪團,雙方就淨零排放、能源轉型、2030雙語政策、數位經濟、半導體對話、財富管理等議題廣泛交流。


On November 9, NDC Minster Kung received a delegation from the United Kingdom led by Mr. Greg Hands, Minister of State for Trade Policy at the Department for International Trade. During their conversation, both sides broadly discussed issues such as net-zero emission, energy transition, Bilingual 2030 policy, digital economy, semiconductor dialogue and wealth management, etc.Minister Kung stated that Taiwan has announced “Taiwan’s Pathway to Net-Zero Emissions in 2050” in March this year. Meanwhile, the UK has been promoting net-zero policy actively. Taiwan can learn from the UK on the front of policy planning and promotion, moving toward the goal of net-zero emission by 2050 proactively. Moreover, there have been more and more young people of Taiwan studying in the UK recently. Minister Kung hopes that there will be closer academic and talent exchanges in the future, thus deepening the Taiwan-UK friendships.Minister Hands responded that he has visited Taiwan the very first time 30 years ago. During his visit this time, Taiwan’s development really amazed him. The UK has announced the Ten Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution and is glad to share experiences with Taiwan. Minister Hands also looks forward to deepening bilateral cooperation in such areas as green energy, digitalization and semiconductor.

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    1. 1111110歡迎英國國際貿易部副部長來訪
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