

Foster Taiwan's Environment for Retaining Talent

  In the era of knowledge economy, sufficient quantity of high level talent could be regarded as the competitiveness of a country. To understand and collect the problems that foreign talent encountered when living in Taiwan or coming to Taiwan, the NDC held 2 forums, conducted online questionnaires on facebook and other platforms and collected results from reports and meeting records. The NDC then put forth 27 reform strategies from 7 dimensions, including visa, work, residence, finance, tax, insurance, and international living environment to complete the program of “Foster Taiwan's Environment for Retaining Talent.”This program was already approved by the Executive Yuan on October 19th,2016.
  The 27 reform strategies from 7 dimensions (visa, work, residence, finance, tax, insurance, and international living environment) has been presented as below:
Perfect Taiwan's Environment for Retaining Talent
Perfect Taiwan's Environment for Retaining Talent
Perfect Taiwan's Environment for Retaining Talent
 This program has been planned to continue working for 3 years. By building a friendly environment, the NDC hopes to retain talent and increase the incentives for foreign talent to come and work in Taiwan.
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