亞太經濟合作(APEC)第29次人力資源發展工作小組(HRD WG)會議於2007年4月17日至20日在澳洲布里斯本市舉行,此次會議出席會員體包括澳大利亞、汶萊、加拿大、智利、中國大陸、印尼、日本、韓國、馬來西亞、紐西蘭、秘魯、菲律賓、泰國、美國、越南及我國等16個會員體,APEC秘書處主管HRD業務的現任計畫處長(Program Director)Ms. Michelle Lowe,以及即將接任的Mr. Eduardo Menez亦出席。
本次會議係由澳洲就業與職場關係部國際關係處處長(Executive Director, International Relations Branch, Department of Employment and Workplace Relations)Ms. Linda Lipp,以及HRD工作小組主導成員(Lead Shepherd)Dr. Alan Ginsburg共同主持。會議之主要議題包括:
1. 大會安排二組主題討論,分別為:
(1) 「認可有品質的教育」(HRD-Policy Challenges: Recognising Quality Education)
- 澳洲墨爾本大學Simon Marginson教授報告
- 日本國立大學評鑑和學歷研究院Tsutomu Kimura院長
- 英國西敏寺大學Stephen Adam教授進行報告
(2) 「成長所需的勞動與社會保護」(Labour and Social Protection for Growth),由澳洲、韓國、泰國、美國、中國大陸及加拿大做個案報告。
2. 本年共計通過14項新計畫如下:
(1) 7項申請中央基金業務帳戶(Operational Account)計畫
- "Ensuring Sustainable Growth in the 21st Century through Workforce Development” by US.
- "TVET and HRD Training Program for Experts (2007 ~ 2011)” by Korea.
- "Education to Achieve 21st Century Skills for All – Respecting the Past and Envisioning the Futre”” by China, Peru and US.
- "Collaborative Studies on Innovations for Teaching and Learning Mathematics in Different Cultures (III) – Lesson Study Focusinig on Mathematical Communication” by Japan and Thailand.
- "Capitalising Information Technology for Greater Equity and Access among Poor and Rural Communities” by Malaysia.
- "Mapping of Qualification Frameworks across APEC Economies” by Australia.
- "Research on the Impact of Performance-Based Remuneration Systems on Productivity Performance of SMEs” by Malaysia.
(2) 2項申請TILF特別帳戶
- "IPR Strategies for Emerging Enterprises – Toward Successful Entry to Global Supply Chain” by Japan.
- "Barriers to Cross-Border Higher Education Services in the APEC Region” by Australia.
(3) 5項自費新計畫
- "Developing Effective Public/Private Partnerships in the APEC Region” by Australia.
- "Seminar on Trade Preference Programs Benefiting Women Exporters” by US.
- "APEC HRD Forum” by Japan.
- "Vocational Training Project” by Japan.
- "Training Program on IT Skills” by Japan.
3. 菲律賓將於2007年5月主辦第30次HRD工作小組會議。秘魯為2007年的APEC主事國,並承諾將於2008年6月主辦第4次AEMM(APEC教育部長會議)。