亞太經濟合作(APEC)第30次人力資源發展工作小組(HRD WG)會議於2008年4月15日至18日在菲律賓薄荷省邦勞島(Panglao Island, Bohol)舉行,此次會議出席會員體包括澳大利亞、汶萊、加拿大、智利、中國、香港、印尼、日本、韓國、馬來西亞、紐西蘭、秘魯、菲律賓、新加坡、泰國、美國及我國等17個會員體,經濟合作暨發展組織(OECD)、國際勞工組織(ILO)、韓國之KT文化基金會及世界展望會發展基金會亦以觀察員身份列席。
本次工作小組會議主題為「迎向一個正直、公平與永續的21世紀」(Towards a Decent, Equitable and Sustainable 21st Century),由主導成員(LS)Dr. Alan Ginsburg主持,並由菲律賓高等教育委員會(Commission on Higher Education)執行長Dr. William Medrano擔任共同主席。會議重要議題包括:
1. 大會安排2個議題分組討論,且安排相關領域的決策官員與專家學者發表專題演講,我國並受邀於第2議題分組報告「ADOC 2.0計畫」。2個議題分別為:
(1) 「透過教育來迎接21世紀的挑戰」(Meeting the Challenges of the 21st Century through Education)
-協調21世紀的教育與職場(Harmonizing the Academe and Workplace in the 21st Century)
-新領域(New Frontiers)
(2) 「縮短發展落差」(Bridging the Development Gap)
-發展政府、企業、勞動者、學術機構及社區之共同責任(Development: A Shared Responsibility of Government, Business, Labor, Academe and the Community)
-資訊通訊科技於經社發展中的應用(ICT for Development)
2. 秘魯報告將於今年6月11及12日於秘魯首都利馬舉辦第4屆教育部長會議(APEC Education Ministerial Meeting, AEMM),並在會前舉辦國際研討會。此次AEMM會議主題為「品質教育:達成21世紀之職能及技能」(Quality Education for All:Achieving 21st Century Competencies and Skills),次主題為「數學及科學」、「技職教育」(Career and Technical Education, CTE)、「語言學習」,及「ICT與系統改革」(ICT and Systemic Reform)。
3. 第6屆人力部長會議(HRD Ministers Meeting, HRDMM)目前尚未有會員體表達接辦意願。
4. 本年計通過16項計畫提案,我國所提的計畫獲各會員體一致支持,並列於計畫排名第1位。通過之計畫及排名如下:
(1) 申請APEC營運帳戶(Operational Account)
-“Study of Best Practices in Teaching and Learning Languages in APEC Economies: Lesson Study Applications” by Chinese Taipei.
-“Comparability & Benchmarking of Competencies and Qualification Frameworks in APEC Region (Pilot Area: Construction and Welding) ” by China & Philippines.
-“APEC Seminar Workshop on the Good Practices in Social Safety Nets in APEC Member Economies” by Philippines LSPN 115,360
-“Quest for Link Between Schools and Employment: Research on Technical Vocation Education at the Secondary Level in the APEC Region” by Japan.
-“APEC 21st Century Mathematics & Science Standards and Assessments: A Focus on Middle and Secondary Schools” by United States.
-“Expanding and Generalizing Lesson Study for Improvement of the Quality of Teaching among APEC member economies: Collaborative Studies on Innovations for Teaching and Learning Mathematics in Different Cultures (IV) ” by Japan & Thailand.
-“APEC Conference on Best Practices in School-Based Action Research” by Malaysia.
(2) 申請APEC支援基金(APEC Support Fund, ASF)
-“APEC Encouraging Girls in Mathematics and Science” by United States.
-“Symposium on Developing Entrepreneurial Skills in the Out-of-School Youth” by Philippines.
-“Capacity Building of Mining Stakeholders in APEC Economies on Corporate Social Responsibility” by Philippines.
-“APEC Information and Communication Technology for Education Expo” by Philippines.
(3) 申請貿易暨投資自由化便捷化(TILF)特別基金
-“Strategic Approach to Sustainable Capacity Building – Meeting the Challenges of Regional Economic Integration in APEC” by Japan.
(4) 自費
-“Best Practices in Human Resources Capacity Building in Science and Mathematics” by Philippines.
-“APEC Forum on Human Resource Development 2008: The Role of TVET Providers in Training for Employees” by Japan.
-“Vocational Training Project in Cooperation with Enterprises” by Japan.
-“APEC HRD Seminar/Training Program on Adoption of IT Skills” by Japan.
5. 明年第31屆HRD工作小組會議,目前亦尚未有會員體表達接辦意願。