

APEC第30次HRD工作小組會議重要內容 - 2008年

  亞太經濟合作(APEC)第30次人力資源發展工作小組(HRD WG)會議於2008415日至18日在菲律賓薄荷省邦勞島(Panglao Island, Bohol)舉行,此次會議出席會員體包括澳大利亞、汶萊、加拿大、智利、中國、香港、印尼、日本、韓國、馬來西亞、紐西蘭、秘魯、菲律賓、新加坡、泰國、美國及我國等17個會員體,經濟合作暨發展組織(OECD)、國際勞工組織(ILO)、韓國之KT文化基金會及世界展望會發展基金會亦以觀察員身份列席。
  本次工作小組會議主題為「迎向一個正直、公平與永續的21世紀」(Towards a Decent, Equitable and Sustainable 21st Century),由主導成員(LSDr. Alan Ginsburg主持,並由菲律賓高等教育委員會(Commission on Higher Education)執行長Dr. William Medrano擔任共同主席。會議重要議題包括:
1.    大會安排2個議題分組討論,且安排相關領域的決策官員與專家學者發表專題演講,我國並受邀於第2議題分組報告「ADOC 2.0計畫」。2個議題分別為:
(1)    「透過教育來迎接21世紀的挑戰」(Meeting the Challenges of the 21st Century through Education
-協調21世紀的教育與職場(Harmonizing the Academe and Workplace in the 21st Century
-新領域(New Frontiers
(2)    「縮短發展落差」(Bridging the Development Gap
-發展政府、企業、勞動者、學術機構及社區之共同責任(Development: A Shared Responsibility of Government, Business, Labor, Academe and the Community
-資訊通訊科技於經社發展中的應用(ICT for Development
2.    秘魯報告將於今年61112日於秘魯首都利馬舉辦第4屆教育部長會議(APEC Education Ministerial Meeting, AEMM),並在會前舉辦國際研討會。此次AEMM會議主題為「品質教育:達成21世紀之職能及技能」(Quality Education for AllAchieving 21st Century Competencies and Skills),次主題為「數學及科學」、「技職教育」(Career and Technical Education, CTE)、「語言學習」,及「ICT與系統改革」(ICT and Systemic Reform)。
3.    6屆人力部長會議(HRD Ministers Meeting, HRDMM)目前尚未有會員體表達接辦意願。
4.    本年計通過16項計畫提案,我國所提的計畫獲各會員體一致支持,並列於計畫排名第1位。通過之計畫及排名如下:
(1)    申請APEC營運帳戶(Operational Account
“Study of Best Practices in Teaching and Learning Languages in APEC Economies: Lesson Study Applications” by Chinese Taipei.
“Comparability & Benchmarking of Competencies and Qualification Frameworks in APEC Region (Pilot Area: Construction and Welding) ” by China & Philippines.
“APEC Seminar Workshop on the Good Practices in Social Safety Nets in APEC Member Economies” by Philippines      LSPN     115,360
“Quest for Link Between Schools and Employment: Research on Technical Vocation Education at the Secondary Level in the APEC Region” by Japan.
“APEC 21st Century Mathematics & Science Standards and Assessments: A Focus on Middle and Secondary Schools” by United States.
“Expanding and Generalizing Lesson Study for Improvement of the Quality of Teaching among APEC member economies: Collaborative Studies on Innovations for Teaching and Learning Mathematics in Different Cultures (IV) ” by Japan & Thailand.
“APEC Conference on Best Practices in School-Based Action Research” by Malaysia.
(2)    申請APEC支援基金(APEC Support Fund, ASF
“APEC Encouraging Girls in Mathematics and Science” by United States.
“Symposium on Developing Entrepreneurial Skills in the Out-of-School Youth” by Philippines.
“Capacity Building of Mining Stakeholders in APEC Economies on Corporate Social Responsibility” by Philippines.
“APEC Information and Communication Technology for Education Expo” by Philippines.
(3)    申請貿易暨投資自由化便捷化(TILF)特別基金
“Strategic Approach to Sustainable Capacity Building – Meeting the Challenges of Regional Economic Integration in APEC” by Japan.
(4)    自費
“Best Practices in Human Resources Capacity Building in Science and Mathematics” by Philippines.
“APEC Forum on Human Resource Development 2008: The Role of TVET Providers in Training for Employees” by Japan.
“Vocational Training Project in Cooperation with Enterprises” by Japan.
“APEC HRD Seminar/Training Program on Adoption of IT Skills” by Japan.
5.    明年第31HRD工作小組會議,目前亦尚未有會員體表達接辦意願。
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