








4.執行並推動隱私權及資料保護適用架構,以促進隱私權保護及跨境資訊流通;例如2011年APEC領袖會議通過的APEC跨境隱私規則制度(APEC Cross Border Privacy Rules system)。





與會者分享智慧城市相關計畫之發展情形,並鼓勵透過AIT及TECRO進一步推動,由美國國家標準與技術局(NIST)與我國發會於全球城市團隊挑戰計畫(Global City Teams Challenge, GCTC)及「物聯網促進智慧城市架構」(IoT-Enabled Smart City Framework)下之公共工作群,研究智慧城市及物聯網技術之合作。雙方重申支持發展自發性、產業導向及市場驅動之全球標準。

雙方探討全球連結倡議(Global Connect Initiative)以合作擴大網路連結,達成至2020年增加15億上網人口的目標。TECRO代表表示支持該倡議,雙方將以AIT-TECRO全球合作及訓練架構(Global Cooperation and Training Framework, GCTF)備忘錄,執行以擴大網路連結及縮短數位落差為目標之聯合計畫。

AIT代表團由美國國際通訊暨資訊政策協調人Daniel Sepulveda大使率團,美國貿易代表署副代表Holleyman大使就數位經濟與貿易致詞,團員包括國務院、商務部、美國貿易代表署、聯邦通訊委員會、國家標準與技術局(NIST)、聯邦貿易委員會及AIT代表。TECRO代表團由國發會副主任委員龔明鑫率領國發會、行政院科技會報辦公室、經濟部、法務部、金管會及TECRO代表參加。美國及臺灣業界代表亦參加論壇。



October 14, 2016


The American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in the United States (TECRO) Joint Statement on the 2nd Digital Economy Forum



The following is the text of a joint press statement issued at the conclusion of the 2nd Digital Economy Forum.


On October 13, 2016, senior representatives from the United States and Taiwan authorities, under the auspices of the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) and Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States (TECRO), held the second Digital Economy Forum in Washington, D.C., to promote coordination on policies and practices that are critical to reduce impediments to and enhance the growth of the global digital economy.


During the Forum, the two sides held discussions with U.S. and Taiwan industry representatives on shared priorities to enable expansion of the digital economy, such as fostering “light touch” policy and regulatory environments to support digital development; pursuing high standards for digital trade and privacy; innovating and deploying new technologies related to the Internet of Things (IoT) and smart cities; and adopting financial technologies to improve availability and efficiency of financial sector products and services.


The two sides affirmed support for the following:

  • policy and regulatory environments that promote innovation, trade, investment, and growth in the digital economy;
  • normalization of private sector consultations and input during policy and regulatory formation and implementation, with clear processes for engaging stakeholders that are fair, transparent, and predictable;
  • an inclusive, open, and transparent system of Internet governance and active support for the multistakeholder approach; 
  • enhancing privacy protections and enabling cross border data flows by implementing and promoting applicable frameworks for privacy and data protection, such as through the APEC Cross Border Privacy Rules system, endorsed by APEC leaders in 2011;
  • policies that facilitate the free flow of information across borders.


The two sides also reaffirmed the AIT-TECRO Trade and Investment Framework Agreement as the key forum for U.S. and Taiwan authorities to resolve bilateral trade issues. The TECRO representatives expressed support for high-standard principles that will permit digital trade to flourish, and committed to promote the digital economy through a free and open Internet and commerce without borders.


The two sides underscored the importance of facilitating the development of start-ups and of seeking opportunities to promote closer cooperation between U.S. and Taiwan venture capital firms, start-up clusters and innovators.  Both sides also affirmed the importance of intellectual property rights and licensing to expand two-way technology trade and investment between the two economies.


The participants shared information on the status of smart city projects and encouraged further collaboration through AIT and TECRO between the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the National Development Council (NDC) on research for smart city and IoT technologies through the Global City Teams Challenge program and the IoT-Enabled Smart City Framework public working group. They reiterated support for the development of global standards that are voluntary, industry-led, and market-driven.


The two sides explored cooperation to expand Internet connectivity through the Global Connect Initiative, aimed at connecting an additional 1.5 billion people to the Internet by 2020.  The TECRO representatives expressed support for the initiative and the two sides committed to carry out a joint program that aims to expand Internet connectivity and bridge the digital divide through the AIT-TECRO Global Cooperation and Training Framework MOU. 


The AIT delegation was led by Ambassador Daniel Sepulveda, U.S. Coordinator for International Communications and Information Policy.  Deputy U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) Ambassador Holleyman gave remarks on the digital economy and trade.  Participation  included officials representing the Department of State, Department of Commerce, USTR, the Federal Communications Commission, NIST,  the Federal Trade Commission, and AIT representatives. The TECRO delegation was led by NDC Deputy Minister Dr. Kung Ming-Hsin, and included representatives from NDC, Office of Science and Technology of the Executive Yuan, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Justice, Financial Supervisory Commission, and TECRO representatives. U.S. and Taiwan industry representatives also participated in the forum.


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